Business & Legal, Talent

Avoiding the Spring Slump: 5 Ways to Motivate Your Teams

Amanda Maksymiw of member company, Fuze, recently wrote about strategies for avoiding the spring slump in energy and focus common among workers.

Spring is finally here! The sun is shining, flowers are blooming and the warm temperatures are making every employee want to venture outdoors. Suddenly, work seems a bit less interesting than the possibilities that lie on the other side of the glass. This time of year is commonly associated with a drop in worker productivity known as the “Spring Slump,” where employees display reduced focus and motivation. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are five ways to get your teams out of the slump and motivated to do great work throughout springtime.

Spring Cleaning

Just like in your home, a great way to refresh your teams and get them into a productive mindset is to do some good old-fashioned spring cleaning. Set aside an hour on a specific date where employees are encouraged to go through their workspaces and clean out those old coffee mugs, stacks of papers and all of those unread emails. For larger organizations, you can choose to break into teams to go through and clean or reorganize different areas. No matter what option makes the most sense for your team, providing a fun, light exercise for your employees can take their minds off of work while still remaining productive. With a refreshed mindset and decluttered workspace, your teams will be reenergized to take on their next project.

Freshen Up Your Skill Sets

One of the most common causes for lack of employee enthusiasm is a feeling of stagnation. Workers that feel they have limited options for growth or are doing the same mundane tasks each day can easily lose energy and begin approaching their work with a negative attitude. That’s why spring is a good time to offer opportunities for employee growth outside of their regular duties. Whether that means holding trainings to develop new skill sets or letting a worker shadow a teammate in a different area of the business, allowing your employees to discover new things is a great way to empower them.

Get Outside

If your employees want to be outside, let them! Try to schedule an outdoor activity like lunch at a local cafe or a day of service. If time doesn’t allow for that, you could try holding a meeting in a local park down the street or at the office’s outdoor space. Your teams will appreciate the fresh air and a chance to enjoy the good weather, and they will show it by returning to the office with increased focus and motivation.


A good brainstorm is a great way to get workers out of a rut, while generating some innovative new ideas. Have your employees break off into teams to come up with fresh concepts that they can share with the office. Doing this will give employees a chance to let off some steam and flex their creative muscles, a proven remedy for stress and boredom.

Flexible Work

With 89% of workers saying flexible working should be how we work, and not a benefit, establishing remote and flexible work policies is always a good way to keep employees productive. Springtime offers the perfect opportunity to begin experimenting with this policy implementation. If you don’t currently have a policy, testing one during the warmer months by letting employees work remotely on a Friday or day of their choice will allow them to take advantage of the nice weather. This change will also allow them to travel more easily on the weekends, or if they’re staying put, enjoy the fresh air outside while they work. You’ll find that by offering such policies, your workers will be both happier and more productive.

Happier, more balanced teams generate the best ideas. If you’ve noticed things start to slow down around your organization as it gets warmer outside, try some or all of these tactics to help  re-energize your teams for the coming months.

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