Featured, Growth, Sales & Marketing
Growth, John Neeson, sales & marketing alignment, SiriusDecisions

Alignment: The Key to High Growth

MassTLC’s Growth Conference, Perserverance: What it Takes to Grow Your Tech Business, will feature a powerful lineup of speakers covering issues that growth company leaders face every day. One of those thought-provoking speakers is John Neeson, Managing Director of SiriusDecisions, who will lead our lunch session on Alignment: The Key to High Growth.

Scaling a business for high growth is not easy. Sales, product and marketing organizations all must perform in harmony, while marketing in particular must be able to demonstrate ROI and an impact on sales productivity. 

Sometimes the alignment never occurs, causing companies to miss out on the key ingredient to consistent, sustained growth. It’s also a difficult subject. Sit down with a CEO, CFO, or other senior executive and talk about why aligning sales and marketing is one of the most important things you can do to reach these goals, and you’ll likely get a reaction that ranges from curiosity to boredom. 

Achieving alignment is a challenge, but well worth the outcome.

John’s lunchtime  presentation will explore the following:

  • The evidence of the relationship between high growth and organizations who are aligned effectively
  • Key operating statistics from organizations that have driven alignment, and those that haven’t
  • Important best practices marketing, sales and product leaders must address to achieve scalable high growth
  • Examples of what other companies have done to impact alignment
  • Key marketing models and techniques required for successful alignment

Learn more about the Growth Conference and register here

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